Question: Does Westridge Florist Toowoomba offer same-day delivery?
Answer: Yes, Westridge Florist Toowoomba offers same-day delivery for orders placed before 2 pm in Toowoomba and surrounding areas. We understand that sometimes, you need your flowers delivered the same day, and we’re here to help. As your local Toowoomba florist, we want to make sure that you get your flowers promptly, fresh and straight from our store in Westridge.
Question: Do you offer custom floral arrangements and bouquets?
Answer: Yes! Westridge Florist Toowoomba creates custom-made floral arrangements and bouquets for any occasion. Whether you want an elaborate anniversary bouquet, a minimalist and modern wedding centerpiece, or a simple yet elegant apology gift, we can work with you to make a unique floral design that perfectly suits your preferences. Simply call us at Westridge Florist Toowoomba or visit our store, and we will be happy to discuss your needs. Short of time? No problems you can even order from our online Custom Floral Range and pop a note in for us.
Q: What kind of flowers do you offer?
A: At Westridge Florist Toowoomba, we offer a wide range of fresh long lasting flowers including roses, lilies, tulips, daisies, carnations, and many more!
Q: Can I place an order online from Westridge Florist Toowoomba
A: Yes, at Westridge Florist Toowoomba, we have an easy to navigate website with a huge selection of florals and gifts with both pick up in store and delivery options.
Q: Do you offer same-day delivery at Westridge Florist Toowoomba ?
A: Yes, as a local Toowoomba florist we offer same-day delivery for all orders placed before 2pm. Orders placed after 2 pm may be delivered on the following day.
Q: Do you offer delivery outside of Toowoomba?
A: Yes, as a local Toowoomba florist we offer delivery beyond Toowoomba, nationally and overseas for special occasions and events. Additional fees may apply depending on the distance. Give our friendly staff a call to discuss
Q: What payment options do you accept at Westridge Florist Toowoomba ?
A: As the leading Toowoomba florist we accept a range of flexible payment options form credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, to Afterpay. We also accept payment through PayPal.
We hope that these answers have been helpful to you, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.