Beautiful blooms of flowers.
A delicate gathering of crisp white Asiatic Lilies, yellow Tulips and cream Roses, with just a touch of lavender Stock and Asters they are without a doubt beautiful flowers. At Westridge florist we think all of our flowers are beautiful . We particularly love the colour combination of this bouquet we think it is beautiful. These flowers are perfect for any occasion when flowers are going to gladden the heart .
Free advice on flower care.
All of our flowers are chosen for beauty quality and freshness. Our customers tell us our flowers are very long lasting. We believe that is because of the car that we take choosing flowers for you. Not only that though we offer free flower food as often as you like.
The biggest enemy of flowers is bacteria and at Westridge flower we are always helping people to keep there flowers fresh. One of the best things you can do is to change your water regularly. Wash the vase before you refill it to ensure there is no bacteria. Re-cutting the stems is also very beneficial. better.
So for beautiful flowers that last and bloom perfectly please follow our advice and enjoy your flowers.
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