Why Choose a Florist’s Choice Bouquet?
Are you not sure what blooms will be best suited to express your message to your loved one?
Are you wanting something stunning but have no idea about flowers?
Or simply don’t have time to scroll through all our beautiful floral options?
By choosing a Florist’s Choice Bouquet you will ensure our highly trained florists will select beautiful fresh flowers for your order. This ensures no delays for your same day flower delivery Toowoomba.
How our Florists Choose flowers for your FLORISTS CHOICE BOUQUET:
Our florists have over 20 years of experience and are masters at their craft. They are very good at taking all the information from your order and creating the perfect fit. For example, your card message, location for the recipient’s, name and address as well as your budget all give clues to our team. They will choose beautiful fresh seasonal flowers in a suitable colour palate for your loved one to create something stunning!
Want to see what we have created for you?
Unlike most other florists, we believe you should get to see exactly what you have ordered and not just a generic photo online. It’s actually a free checkout option you can select when ordering. Just add your flowers to cart and select “SEND ME A PHOTO” at the Checkout and we will send you a photo before your order.
If there is anything specific you want us to try and incorporate in your Florist’s Choice Bouquet, like a colour or flower preference, simply add a note at the checkout for our team!
Images supplied samples of all three price points. On occasion, some flowers may vary due to availability. Our highly trained Florists will substitute beautiful blooms to value and in keeping with the gorgeous design of the arrangement.
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