Beautiful Pink and Red Roses.
This combination of pink and red roses is one of the prettiest combinations of blooms you can get. The soft and hot pink shades of colour perfectly set off the deep red lush roses. Set in lush green foliage to set off the flowers.This divine selection of gorgeous buds is the sweetest gift. Soft and pretty, with dew drops on the petals, nothing could be prettier! This arrangement is a truly feminine and nurturing combination of beautiful blooms.
Easy flowers.
These roses are what we call easy flowers, easy to transport easy to care for and easy to order online with our online website.Arranged in a craft box with matching paper and bows. It will be a breeze to look after as in the craft box is an oasis sponge that holds water. All the recipient has to do is add a little water daily and enjoy. If they are sent to work they are suitable to leave at her desk, or easy to take home. The sturdy box sits well in the car and the flowers travel in water the whole time. When delivered to a home address our courier will leave them in a sheltered place and they will be a perfect surprise when she gets home.
Suitable for everyone pink and red roses.
Pink Roses hold the meaning of sweetness and poetic romance, whilst Red Roses show passionate love; A perfect combination. This beautiful arrangement is not only suitable for love but it is perfect for any occasion. Friendship, get well, birthday, thank you and sorry. These beautiful flowers are even perfect for the saddest of occasions.
“If even the roses blush at this love, who could refute our true romance?”
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