Sweet Hope lily’s roses
A pure bouquet consisting of ivory Lilies, Roses and Alstromeria; wrapped in complimenting paper and tied with a decorative ribbon. This beautiful bouquet called sweet hope has lily’s and roses predominantly . These quality classic blooms are perfect for condolences sympathy and funeral flowers. It is equally as perfect as a sophisticated gift for the lady who likes classic flowers. The wrapping is simple classic complimentary to the beauty and simplicity of these beautiful flowers.
The best of both worlds.
We think that combining lily’s and roses is the best of both worlds. You will have a beautiful combination of textures and perfumes that shall fill a room with a sweet scent that shall will fill the home. At Westridge florist our favourite flowers are the flowers that have beautiful scent. We like to think that the memories of receiving flowers are not only visual but than every time someone catches the scent from a perfumed flower the memory of your gift will come back to them. Beautiful flowers creating beautiful memories.
This collection of serene flowers brings a message of innocent hope and gentle comfort.
“Death came with friendly care;
The opening bud to heaven conveyed,
And bade it blossom there.”
–Samuel Taylor
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