Florist Toowoomba | Weekly Update
Something you may not know is that Westridge Florist has been a florist in Toowoomba for over 18 years! We love creating beautiful flowers for Toowoomba as well as being a Highfield’s florist, Oakey florist and Dalby florist. We operated prior to this in Jandowae from our gorgeous flower farm, but decided that what we really wanted was to be a florist in Toowoomba. The climate is great for growing flowers and the people are smart and sophisticated but with a good country courtesy.
At Westridge Florist we deliver, same-day and internationally, to a wider range of areas than any other florists. We service such a wide area of flower delivery places that a lot of out-of-town or country customers make their way to Toowoomba for all their flower needs. Because we once lived and worked in rural areas, we just love the people and want to be sure that we go that extra mile to provide wonderful service no matter how far out you are. Our passion for this differentiates us from other florists in Toowoomba.
Another feature we have recently added to our website and in-store service is to Learn With Us! We have students from all over come and spend a day working well and creating stunning floral arrangements. The art of flower arranging becomes such a fun way of expressing creativity that it’s almost child’s play. The feedback has been amazing and we are developing a full fledged set of floristry lessons which will be released next year.
We love it and our students always return for more. If you’re interested but simply want a taster, we have FREE lessons on our YouTube Channel as well as available subscriptions to our paid lessons. This is a module of 7 lessons at a great price of only $140. Our paid lessons include detailed feedback, an invitation to our private Facebook Group and the offer to receive fresh lesson flowers straight to your door.
For all those who love flowers, floristry and beautiful photography, we also have a Facebook page for our happy florist in Toowoomba. We share daily flower photos, tips and updates on our Facebook and Instagram page so head to the links below and follow us! That’s all for our weekly update but as always, have a flowerful week from your favourite Florist in Toowoomba!
Follow us on:
Facebook @WestridgeFlorist
Instagram @WestridgeFlorist
YouTube @GypsyRoseFlowers