Our Designer’s Choice Christmas Bouquet is the best option when you want a festive bunch of flowers and none of the hassle! Our expert team of florists will select Christmas themed colours and choose flowers from our large range of seasonal blooms. You can be assured that your flowers will be fresh, beautiful and delivered on time wherever they need to go.
Our classic Christmas Bouquet usually contain reds, whites, greens and pinks in keeping with the traditional festive colour schemes. Ordering a Designer’s Choice takes the hard work out of sending flowers, so sit back and relax as our team of florists create a beautiful bunch.
May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace. The gladness of Christmas give you hope. The warmth of Christmas grant you love.
-Author Unknown
Vase is not included. Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and color. Stem count, packaging and container may vary. For further substitution questions, please click here.
The differences between Standard, Classic & Deluxe are size and price.
Seasonal Flowers | These more traditional flowers work out to the best value. The more money spent, the more flower-full your order will be. Arrangements and bouquets will be bigger in size with a higher value.
Exclusive Flowers | These are flowers such as Peonies, Rainbow Roses, Oriental Lilies, Natives and Orchids. Similar to seasonal flowers, more value means more flowers, as well as a higher quality.
Roses | Our price options on roses vary in the quality of the flower, not so much the amount. From larger flower heads to premium roses and even longer stems, the options are definitely a great way to upgrade those gorgeous roses from beautiful to breathtaking.
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